At Lencon Construction we have incorporated your needs into the design of ICF Construction products and we continually strive to provide innovative solutions for strong, safe and healthy structures.
Why Lencon ICF Construction is a perfect building solution for your project.
Energy Efficiency
The expanded polystyrene (EPS) panels used in Amvic ICF provide a U-Value of at least 0.22 W/m².K. When this is combined with concrete thermal mass, and excellent junction thermal performance temperature fluctuations inside the home are considerably minimized. This highly effective combination greatly reduces the amount of energy required for heating and cooling. When used in conjunction with other high quality systems such as windows and roofing, homeowners have historically experienced an average of approximately +75% savings on running costs annually. In addition, hot and cold spots are virtually eliminated and a room’s temperature remains consistent, providing exceptional comfort.
Sound Barrier
Lencon ICF Construction Insulated concrete forms provide exceptional sound attenuation. The mass of the concrete within the Lencon ICF Construction system makes for amazing sound absorption with sound reduction of up to 57 dB across the finished wall. This is far in excess of the requirements of the building regulations and makes for comfortable homes and harmonious relations with the neighbors! This compares with a typical acoustic performance of 36 to 38dBa for timber frame houses.
In addition the structural strength of Lencon ICF Construction walls allows the installation of concrete floors and stairs at first floor level, further reducing noise transmission and increasing the thermal mass of the structure.
With Lencon ICF Construction, you will always enjoy peace and quiet in your home.
Superior Insulation
Lencon ICF Construction system replaces commonly used fibre glass insulation with expanded polystyrene (EPS). Traditional fibre glass insulation is a network of intertwined fibres which allows air to move though the gaps in the insulation. Amvic ICFs on the other hand consist of closed plastic cells that together with concrete walls prevent air movement creating an airtight seal around the entire perimeter of a building.
Lencon ICF Construction eliminates problems with insulation which are common to other systems of construction including, poor fit or incomplete installation of insulating medium, insulation sag, or heat convection losses arising from air movement between the house structure and the insulation medium.
Lencon ICF Construction is the premium insulation choice for your long-term comfort.
High Indoor Air Quality
The use of EPS insulation in Amvic ICF eliminates all air-borne glass fibers and insulation settlement caused by fibreglass insulation. Also, the impermeable walls prevent the entry of dust, pollens and pollution. Lencon ICF Construction homes provide the highest indoor air quality.
Superior Structure
Unlike conventional homes, especially timber framed construction, where walls and floors loosen and shift over time creating warps and creaks, an Lencon ICF Construction home will remain straight and solid throughout its long life, making your home more comfortable.
Wind and Storm Resistant
Lencon ICF Constructions are constructed with solid concrete, which tremendously increases strength and maximizes resistance to high winds and storms. In addition, drafts typically found in conventional construction systems are eliminated due to the system’s tremendous airtightness.
Fire Resistant
Lencon ICF Constructions are manufactured using only approved flame-retardant EPS and have a certified fire rating of up to 3 hours.
Lencon ICF Construction homes provide much greater fire resistance than traditionally built homes, making your home safe for you and your family.
Mould Resistant
Traditional homes are prone to dampness caused by interstitial condensation, and are easily infiltrated by moisture which can result in the growth of mould and mildew.
Lencon ICF Construction homes eliminate this problem since they are constructed using the highly effective combination of non organic materials, EPS and concrete.
In addition, the system has been assessed and is certified to be free from the risk of interstitial condensation
Reduced Emissions
One of the major issues we are faced with today is global warming, which is negatively affecting the environment and weather patterns worldwide. Global warming is a direct result of harmful gas emissions into the earth’s atmosphere. AnICF Construction home reduces energy consumption on average by +75% annually, with an equivalent reduction in harmful emissions.
Lencon ICF Construction products can also generate as little as 2% waste during construction. Furthermore, no CFC’s or HCFC’s used in ICF Construction manufacturing process.
Recycled Materials
Lencon ICF Construction webs are manufactured using recycled polypropylene. This means that over 60% of the weight of an ICF block is comprised of recycled materials. All construction waste arising can be recycled by our Recycling partners. At the end of your home’s life the entire ICF Construction structure can be recycled using readily available technology.
Lasting Value
Over time, Lencon ICF homes become stronger, sturdier and require much less repair and maintenance than conventionally built homes. As a result, they retain their value for a longer period of time. Lencon ICF homes are built to last and get stronger every day.