Architects and Specifiers

No matter what kind of design challenges you are considering, you will find that the Lencon ICF Construction system has the answers.


Lencon ICF Construction is certified by the British Board of Agrement, Certificate No 10/4809. ICF Construction is accepted by Homebond and Premier Insurance.


ICF Constructions are also manufactured using only approved EPS flame retardant bead with providing up to a 3 hour fire rating.
These structures are constructed with non-organic materials, which greatly minimises the growth of mould and mildew.  Also, the impermeable walls prevent the entry of dust, pollens and pollution.


Lencon ICF Construction is manufactured using Expanded Polystyrene (EPS) as the insulating medium. EPS eliminates the problems of air borne glass fibre, insulation settlement and performance deterioration common in other insulating systems. EPS provides a proven stable insulation barrier which does not deteriorate in time, unlike many others materials on the market.
By definition the insulation envelope of the building is absolutely complete when building with ICF Constructions, in contrast to all other building system which require manual site intervention to install the thermal insulation after the structure is built. In addition there is no convection loss of heat within the wall as the insulation is in intimate contact with the structure.


Current Building Regulations set standards for the air tightness of structures, measured using an Air Permeability Rating. A number of 7 is the required minimum and 3 being required for passive homes.
Because this is a poured concrete method of construction the structure is effectively monolithic, thus air-leakage is reduced to an absolute minimum. ICF Construction is extremely airtight, with a typical structure experiencing an air permeability rating of 2 or less.


Thermal modelling of Lencon ICF Construction standard details has shown that the heat loss at junctions inherent in most other building systems is largely eliminated, with many junctions showing a negative loss factor. In addition the risk of mould growth due to interstitial condensation is eliminated.
Because of its superb insulation characteristics, inherent air tightness and excellent thermal bridging performance, Lencon ICF Construction provides the basis of an A3 rated home, all as standard!


The mass of the concrete within the Lencon ICF Construction system makes for amazing sound absorption with typical sound reduction of up to 57 dB across the finished wall. This is far in excess of the requirements of the building regulations and makes for comfortable homes and harmonious relations with the neighbours!


Lencon ICF Construction has superior engineered spanning capabilities, making them ideal for long insulated window and door lintels, as well as for ground beam applications. They are also extremely flexible in design making curved, square, plumb and straight walls easily obtainable. In addition, exterior and interior wall finishes are easily attached.


For commercial construction, Lencon ICF Construction are used primarily for the structure’s exterior walls but also often for interior walls to provide compartment walls or acoustic, thermal and fire barriers between areas. Lencon ICF Construction is certified for multi storied structures subject to engineering considerations.


For residential construction, ICFs are typically used for the structure’s exterior walls from foundation to wallplate, party walls and basements. ICFs can also be used in combination with almost any other form of construction.


Lencon ICF Construction structures combine the benefits of expanded polystyrene (EPS) insulation and concrete thermal mass. This highly effective combination of materials minimizes temperature fluctuations by absorbing and storing heat.  This results in over 75% reduction in running costs which results in an equivalent reduction in harmful emissions.
Construction waste is also dramatically decreased to less than 2%, less than half of most competing ICFs and much lower than traditional building systems.  The polypropylene webs molded into the forms are made from 100% recycled plastic, making these forms 60% recycled material by weight.
Lencon ICF Construction is manufactured from EPS which is certified to be both CFCs and HCFC free. At the end of their very long life, the main components of an Lencon ICF Construction structure can be re-cycled and reused.